Saturday, April 10, 2010

From Hope to Hopeless Criminal

Last week the White House announced it authorized the CIA to assassinate an American citizen. "It can't possibly be the law that American citizens enjoy greater legal protection from being wiretapped than from being placed on a government kill list," said the ACLU's Ben Wizner.
The proper response should have been, "it can't possibly be lawful to murder anyone without trial!" But truly, I wasn't surprised by the announcement. Wahsington's decade long track record of black ops crimes is well documented. The Change We Can Believe In have been underwhelming at best. Whenever given a chance to implement change, Obama has done nothing but maintain the despotic practices of the previous regime in Washington.
Drone attacks? Increased them.
Illegal occupying forces in foreign lands? Increased them.
Numbers of innocent civilians murdered? Increased them.
The list can go on and on and on....

Obama has proven himself a failure, a failure because he continues to ignore how these imperialistic endeavors destroy our economy and erode our international goodwill. He willfully nurtures an abusive and power lusting executive branch that has grown unchecked for almost a century. He is a failure for changing nothing.

These brazen criminal acts are likely the death throes of a dying empire. May the innocent be spared from the sinking ship. Sadly, silence does not equal innocence.

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